I stumbled upon this interesting map and article - - Shades of The Man In the High Castle - -
What If America Had Lost WWII?
I stumbled upon this interesting map and article - - Shades of The Man In the High Castle - -
What If America Had Lost WWII?
Did you ever wonder .... ?
Map of What Every Country’s Name Means.
FIRST NOTE: This is the etymologies of the ENGLISH names of the countries, not the native names.
SECOND NOTE: There are various countries which have names that are debated by etymologists and historians, so if you think one is wrong, it is most likely just a different theory than the one that you know of. Along with that, some countries have names that spread through multiple languages, so their name meaning comes out a little wonky, like Portugal comes from “Portus Cale”, with Portus meaning “Port of-” in Latin, but Cale also meaning “Port” in old Celtic, leading to the conclusion that its name technically means “Port of Port.”
14 year old Wyatt Ellis Doing Grassy Cove along with Sierra Hull (when I heard on the radio that Sierra was his "mentor" I was a bit amazed since she's barely old enough !!
Mandolins - - Wyatt Ellis and Sierra Hull, Guitar - Justin Moses, Fiddle - Deanie Richardson, Banjo - Cory Walker and Bass - Mike Bub
Like Tengrain at Mock, Papers, Scissors often sez, for 1/5 of 1 point on the internet exam contest (#2 pencils only), get busy ........... feel free to enlist any Hobbits nearby ..........
Based on the map of the imaginary world source 1.A, choose the incorrect statement in sub-questions 1.1 to 1.10. There is only one incorrect statement in each sub-task. Some of the statements refer to items a-i on Map 1.A. Correct answer 2 p., wrong answer 0 p., no answer 0 p.
1.1 Land cover 2 p.
1.2 Topography 2 p.
1.3 River network 2 p.
1.4 Weather and climate 2 p.
1.5 Road network 2 p.
1.6 Interactions between regions 2 p.
1.7 Air directions 2 p.
1.8 Scale 2 p.
1.9 Distances and areas 2 p.
1.10 Elevation curves 2 p.
(Source: reddit.com)