Anyhow, tRump's family has referred to themselves as "Swedish."
With respect to my aging Scandinavian Mother and her brother (both still living), I've often heard stories of immigrants from the "old country." For example: Sven telling his friend Ole Peterson about his new wife: " Say Sven, dat Sonja, she a pretty good cook, eh?" "Ya Pete, but she drink like a son uffa bitch."
Maybe we can now start telling Donie & Melynia stories:
Donne was talking with his son-in-law Jared, who lived next door, when Jared said, "Ya know Don, you and Melynia should really get some new curtains."
"Vy's dat?" Donne asked.
"Vel last night I saw you and Melynia, vel you know..."
Donie thought for awhile, then said, "Ha-ha Jared, da yokes on you! I vasn't even home last night!"
Just sayin'.