... and we have to have a 55 footer taken down this week !!
Range of the Ponderosa Pine Tree
…… and turnip? He’ s a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, a business failure, a tax cheat and a national security threat. He certainly isn’t fit to serve as President or even run for the office. But then again, the republican party believed in “Law and order,” and the new cult obviously doesn’t.
He recently said “I shouldn’t be here.” — (Grand Rapids, MI, 7/20/2024).
He’s right; he should be in jail.
While the bullets were “whizzing” over his head, was he praying to God? Nope, he was imploring the Secret Service to get his shoes.
Maybe “almighty God” didn’t really save him; She needed a brave fireman more than him.
I hear She did forward Don’s resume to her rival down below. Perhaps he has a position turnip is qualified for. Of course, his advisors Hitler, Pol Pot, Jim Jones, and Charles Manson (among others) may be allowed an input.
Oh well ………..
Remember, voting is like driving: To go forward, Choose "D." To go backwards, choose "R." (and if you have a "stick-shift," you move forward progressively).