Sunday, June 24, 2012

We Can't Make It Here Anymore div

Saturday, I went for a walk with my "adopted" brother (he didn't have a brother, so I adopted him). We served together in the Air Force and have grown closer over the years since. We try to get together at least once a month for a walk and breakfast. He asked me if the direction that our country seems to be headed was what we gave over twenty years of our lives for.

I really can't answer the question. I think our service was necessary and successful, but I don't like what I see or hear lately. I think we've lost our direction and have literally sold our souls.

Today's Washington Post chronicled how our "representatives" have traded on the stock market while considering legislation on the affected industries and companies. They say this is legal and not a conflict of interest, but, forgive me, I can't believe that.

We can give billions to the banks to help stimulate the economy, but limiting interest rates on student loans ??  - -  can't seem to make a decision. Maybe we should just make loans to the students at the rates the bank are getting, eh ??
I heard that the "austerity" is the cure for the European problems, yet Spain gets 100 billion (more) in debt to help solve the problem.
I hear that there are derivatives consisting of CDOs for auto loans  - -  It worked so well for the housing market, didn't it ??  Hell, why not for student debt.  These obligations cannot be erased even by bankruptcy.  Funny, corporations can erase their obligations for pensions and benefits through bankruptcy (I think this thought was triggered by passing Bethlehem Steel's abandoned Sparrow's Point mill at the entrance to Baltimore's harbor - boy did they ever screw their employees).

Today's Post also had an excellent op-ed by Joseph Stiglitz on the rise in the inequality in our economic system. Krugman has been saying the same thing.

Next week the congress critters will evacuate the GWTP and head home for the 4th of July barbecues, fund raisers and baby kissin'. One can only hope that each will receive a well deserved beating  - -  but, then again, they don't talk to folks like you and me .......... and as I learned as an undergraduate, reading politics so many years ago, no matter how corrupt or worthless one thinks congress folk are, MY rep is ok.

The news is depressing and I'm afraid of what kind of society we are becoming.
Here's a powerful song to help the mood along ..........

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